Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.
Our card of the week is Two of Wands. First of all, this card really requires us to make choices, utilizing our intuition in a very tuned-in, almost neutral-zero-point way. Two of Wands is ruled by Mars and Aries, so there may be a little disruption this week. Not to be too fear-inducing, it could just be related to that Ten of Swords energy that we're also working with, where we're being called to exit or quit something. We may find ourselves at a fork in the road between two options and we're trying to decide which way we want to proceed.
In the traditional Smith Rider Waite tarot deck, we see this guy on a riverbank and he has a globe in his right hand, one wand in his left hand and another wand off to the side. It's almost like the globe in his right hand represents the divine masculine of what he's putting out to the world and he is ready to do it. In his left hand, you'll see one of two wands and that is anchoring him into what he's done up until now.
The Two of Wands follows the fiery inspiration of Ace of Wands so we have most likely felt a spark that is calling us towards a new direction. This spark (and this element of fire) represents something we want, and that is key.
If you find yourself torn between two options, two things, two people, two ways to move forward this week, one of the options is going to feel safer and one is going to feel more exciting. With the latter, there are likely some unknown elements, greater perceived risks, maybe even challenges. But at the end of the day, we have to listen to the spark.
I know a lot of us are at personal and professional crossroads right now and in so many ways we've been trained and ingrained to listen to our ego-self and "play it safe". With the Two of Wands, neither option is a bad one — The first option is probably what you're already doing and is very predictable whereas the other option is one that seems really intriguing.
This week, we're going to be pushed to ask ourselves two questions: "what are the things that we have wanted to start but might have held back from"? And also, "what can we release in order to move forward with less resistance"? Especially with the waning moon cycle, it's a powerful time to examine that.
When we're presented with a crossroads, where is the fire? Where's the excitement and passion? Remember, the greatest opportunities and rewards are going to lie at that fork in the road.
See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!