Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.
Our card of the week: Two of Swords. We're all dealing with a lot of juggling, recalibrating and balance. This week, the Two of Swords is ruled by the moon and Libra—it's about denoting that balance in Libra through the inner knowing of the moon.
In the traditional Smith Rider Waite deck, this card shows a blindfolded woman with her arms crossed out in front of her and she's holding a sword in each hand. This card is often seen as a crossroad of sorts, but one without a clear black or white answer.
The Two of Swords is the card that challenges the idea of mutual exclusion. This card often comes when a compromise can be successfully made or there might be two alluring, but seemingly opposing options. We find out that aspects of both are actually able to be utilized, but accessing the right solution to this crossroads requires not just the intellect (think about the air element of the swords and the weighing and balance of its Libra ruling), but the placement of the moon also comes into this, our inner guidance system. Think of a bright moon lighting up your path when you are walking in the dark at night!
When we look at the traditional card, we see the blindfold on the woman that needs to be removed for us to see a solution that we may have glossed over. Oftentimes, this so-called blind-programmed-thinking leads us down a path of "this or that", "right-brain versus left-brain" or "I can either have passion or I can have money and stability". The Two of Swords comes in and tells us both might in fact be possible. How does this apply to your own life this week?
See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!